Sunday, September 4, 2011

Science ROCKS!

Our first two weeks of science have been full of hands-on exploration of different minerals. As we have been learning about “what good scientists do”, we have also been using our observation skills to collect important data about different minerals by observing their physical properties using hand lenses. Our first exploration allowed us the use of hand lenses to observe actual minerals in our classroom- we identified their color, streak, luster, and hardness. We found that some minerals seem exactly alike, except for 1 property. Next week we'll continue this exploration and follow up with a fun online simulation on the gizmos website!


  1. Hey Mrs.Mckenzie this is desiree and I want to say I love science because I love to do expeirents.

  2. Hey Desiree! I'm glad that you like Science - I do too!

  3. Hi MrsMckenzie i have not been posting all of comments latly but I want to say that the ingnous rock was my favirite rock because i love cholate and that was a fun way to learn our rocks
